Customer Testimonial

“I am delighted to provide a testimonial for Ziegler Customer Homes based on my experience with them during the construction of my new home. From start to finish, Ziegler displayed excellent craftsmanship and a commitment to maintaining high standards throughout the entire project. They ensured that all subcontractors working on my home held themselves to the same level of quality, resulting in a seamless and well-executed construction process.


One aspect that impressed me was Ziegler's dedication to using quality materials. They explained the importance of using reliable and durable materials, which gave me confidence in the longevity and sustainability of my new home. Furthermore, Ziegler delivered on their promises regarding the project timeline. They meticulously planned and managed the construction schedule, ensuring that the completion date aligned with our initial agreement.


Ziegler's approach to change orders also greatly benefited me. Instead of starting from scratch, they used a standard home model and carefully incorporated my customization requests. This not only saved me money but also enabled me to have a unique and personalized home. Additionally, Ziegler was always available to address any concerns I had regarding change orders and provided thorough explanations of their potential impact on the project.


Throughout the construction process, Ziegler demonstrated their commitment to customer satisfaction. They stood behind their work and promptly corrected any issues that arose without question. This level of accountability and responsiveness reassured me that I had made the right choice in selecting Ziegler for my home construction needs.


If you are seeking peace of mind and a high-quality home, I highly recommend choosing Ziegler Customer Homes. Their excellent craftsmanship, dedication to maintaining high standards among subcontractors, use of quality materials, adherence to project timelines, expertise in incorporating change orders, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them the ideal choice for your construction project.”


Louie & Kristen M.

Elk River, MN